Saturday, June 11, 2011

A good Web page design means overall performance of site to end users and search engines

Its so exciting while developing a website design for your business and after the launch of your very attractive web design business owners thinks like any thing. Six months or one year down the line most of the site owners feel nothing about the site as business generation from the site is near to zero. Such business sites just act like a non performing assets to the businesses. Are you having the same problem with  your so called attractive website design. Purpose of this article is to understand the web site design and development process and to apply continuous and strategic changes in the site on regular intervals.

Biggest mistake any new web site owner probably does is of saving money by getting website design by a freelancer or by a web site design company offering such cheap services. Please understand that a web site design comprises of many things like look and feel of the site, Search engine status of the site and over all interactive ability of the site. Freelancer of unprofessional website designers may give you very attractive website design but often they fail to optimize other aspects of the site like search engine friendliness of the site.

As a matter of fact more then 90 percent visitors to any web-page comes through the google and other search engines. Means the major chunk of the traffic coming to the site is not direct traffic. People search with a key word over the google or other search engine and what ever google result displays user clicks over that only. Google obviously is not a human and that's why it looks certain technical parts of your site to decide what is the relevancy and usefulness of your site. First and foremost thing while going for a web-page design is to think about the key words your web design should target.

Suppose you have a business of real estate and provides your services globally then think as a person searching for the real estate via google or other search engine. What probably he or she will type in the search box of the google? Well my guesses are real estate for sale, Good real estate venues, Real estate investment so on and so forth. Be advised to prepare a list of as many key words as you can think of. Then as a trend a normal web page design may target 5-10 key words only. You may ask how to decide the best 10 key words from the list? Well I will say let the google or other search engine answer your question. Search with each key word on the list in search engine and see the amount of results like 122302124 search results for key word real estate. This is called the competition for the particular key word higher the competition on the keyword means lower the chances your web page being on the top 10 search engine result pages.

Don't forget to check the traffic over a particular key word. Confused? let me make it simple suppose a key word let us say "real estate" has what traffic over a particular search engine. Traffic on a key word is the number of people searching with the same key word over the search engine normally displayed per month basis. Our key word "real estate" have a traffic of 5000 searches globally means their are at least 500 searches made during the recent past with the same key word within a month. Higher traffic on a key word indicate the potential of the key word to generate the business.

  Summary – Site owners consider their web page design as a non performing assets very soon. Infect the best web page design too take some time to get response. Proper key word targeting and search engine friendliness of web page design are two very important factors to drive traffic over the web site. 

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